The actor left fans talking after sharing a video of him and Irene enjoying quality time together at a resort in Lake Elementaita in Nakuru county
The two are part of a group of men and women who will host a pool party on February 3 at an as-yet-undisclosed location.
Many suspect that Irene Mulita is Lungaho’s new lover especially because she talked to him by calling him “baby” many times in the video.
Blessing Lung’aho unveiled Irene Mulita as his new girlfriend weeks after Jackie Matubia disclosed that she had moved on with Maurice Kivs.
Jackie Matubia unveiled her new sweetheart Maurice Kivs just a few months after calling off her engagement with Blessing Lung’aho, the father of her second child.
The revelation came through a series of heartfelt social media posts where Jackie shared intimate snapshots of herself and Maurice locked in affectionate embraces.
Related: Jackie Matubia Finds Love Again In Maurice Kivs Her New Boyfriend
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