Daniel Regha, a well-known Twitter critic, has issued a warning to young lovers about Valentine’s Day.
Influencer Daniel Regha used his X account on social media to alert young men and women about the rising expense of living as Valentine’s Day draws near.
Daniel Regha warned young people on Twitter to consider the expense of raising a newborn as they enjoy themselves this Valentine’s Day.
Daniel Regha, who emphasized the increase in diaper prices, provided a list of some essential but expensive baby things that young women should think about before l@ying in bed with any man on Valentine’s Day.
He wrote: “As of today:
-Pampers baby diapers is N13,000.
-Molfix N44,800.
-Softcare gold N7,600.
-Angel Premium soft N15,000.
-Lebrace almost N3,800.
-Huggies N6,400.
-Yara 6,800.
The prices of baby foods are the w0rst.
Remember this before wid!ng legs like TV antenna & getting pregnant on/after valentine’s day”
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