Angry Husband Destroys Car Of Man Hitting On Wife

An enraged husband pursued and destroyed the car of a man who had allegedly been hotting on his wife.

The distraught husband had to plan and stalk his wife for several days to figure out her routine and where and when she hangs out with the man.

As a disturbed husband whose marriage was on the verge of dissolution, he had no choice but to take matters into his own hands by salvaging his home.

As a result, he tracked down and apprehended the man. When the man refused to get out of his car, he unleashed his full rage on the man.

The visibly enraged husband smashed the car with full force after picking up rocky stones. He yelled at the top of his lungs for the man who had been hitting on his wife to leave.

He hit the car and damaged the windows after repeatedly refusing. As the man sat in the car, he picked up a block and destroyed the frame.

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