According to him, Radio Africa, Massawe wa Jappani and Radio Jambo are also responded in the lawsuit.
Black Cinderella passed away recently under mysterious circumstances days after intensifying her allegations against the former Kiss FM presenter. Obinna allegedly sexually assaulted her in 2015 when she was 19.
Obinna however says that the court will reveal the truth about the matter, once evidence is tabled.
“I have never met her, I don’t know her, I don’t remember her, we have never even had any interaction but she will go to court, the courts will clear the air, she will bring her evidence and I will bring mine and then court itadecide. Mimi simjui. A lot of people know how my house looks like because I post,” he said in an interview with Ankali Ray.
At the same time, Obinna addressed the issue of Brianna, where she accused him of trying to luring her and friend into sleeping with him.
Brianna went viral for claiming to be romantically involved with her step brother.
“The problem is, the girl is so young she is 19, if am to press charges now and anything happens to that girl, wakenya watanigeuka. Anything happens to that girl labda aende acommit suicide, ama afall into depression ama mental situation utaskia tu Obinna is so heartless, you could not forgive.
“That is happening but brand yangu ndio inachafuliwa. I am in a tight space, even if I decide to sue her, which might happen, ako na hela za kunilipa defamatory remarks? Itakuwa ngumu, labda prison term. This young girl and this young boy wanaishi kwa bedsitter, mzazi wao ndio anawalipia rent, sasa mimi nianze kupigana na watoto wadogo,” he said.
Related:Family Of Kenyan Socialite Black Cinderella Confirms Her Death
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