Stevo questioned why a part where he was ‘telling Obinna the truth’ was omitted from the interview when it was shared on Obinna TV updates YouTube channel.
“Oga Obinna why was this part trimmed from the interview or they fear when you are told the truth,” Stevo said on Instagram, accompanied by the omitted video where he revealed why he was no longer working with Obinna and Dem wa Facebook.
In the video, Stevo claimed that Obinna was only pretending to help him while in the media but on the ground things were different.
“Bebi na Bebii(Obinna and Dem wa Facebook) tulikuwa nao pamoja lakini tulifika mahali mambo yakaenda mrama mimi na Obinna. Obinna kwa mtandao anasema ananisaidia akini kwa ground hanisaidii. Obinna nilimpigia simu karibu mara mia moja lakini hapokei lakini akiwa kwa camera ananipigia, ananidhalilisha na haifai. Kwangu mimi naona Obinna ako na ukora fulani,” he said.
Initially, when Obinna suggested to Stevo to start a comedy YouTube channel, Stevo went online to blast him, saying that he was only intending to use him. He even threatened to beat him up.
“Obinna, stop clout chasing with me. You and your team suggested opening a YouTube channel for me, but I refused. Even Trevor himself suggested the same. Where were you when I was suffering? Just tell Kenyans that you want to use me. You are not trying to help me; you want to exploit me. Leave me alone. I have my own empire, Stivo Simple Boy Empire. Obinna, stop it. I have my own channel,” Stevo said then.
This however turned out to be clout as Stevo later opened a second YouTube channel with the help of Obinna’s team.
Stevo’s revelation on why he stopped hanging out with Obinna however comes at a time when it is evident that Obinna is no longer working together with Dem wa Facebook.
In a recent interview, Obinna declined to share what really happened only stating that time will reveal everything.
Related: Obinna Responds After Stevo Threatened To Beat Him Up Over YouTube Channel
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