Pastor Abel Damina hits back at Pastor Ibiyeomie’s jabs over Pastor Jerry Eze (VIDEO)

  • The spiritual battleground erupts into flames as Pastor Ibiyeomie lands the first searing blow, launching a venomous tirade at Pastor Damina for his audacity in challenging Pastor Jerry Eze.
  • But in this war of words, Pastor Abel Damina doesn’t just defend—he retaliates with a fiery storm of truth that shakes the very core of the pulpit.
  • Damina unleashes a scathing counterattack, not just striking back, but tearing apart the sacred veil, daring to expose what he believes to be the smoke and mirrors behind the miracles performed in some churches

Pastor Abel Damina, the trailblazing founder of Power City International Ministry, has fired back with venomous force at Pastor David Ibiyeomie, the presiding pastor of Salvation Ministries, who recently threw shade his way.

The explosive feud erupted after Pastor Damina’s unapologetic critique of the charismatic televangelist and mastermind behind the wildly successful online prayer movement, NSPPD—Pastor Jerry Eze.

Damina had sparked a firestorm when he boldly denounced the popular mantra of Eze’s Streams of Joy International, ‘What God Cannot Do Doesn’t Exist,’ branding it a misleading fallacy that holds no truth in its sweeping declaration.

Pastor Ibiyeomie swiftly entered the fray, launching a scathing counterattack. He expressed disbelief that Pastor Damina, a seasoned minister, who according to him, once revered at the pinnacle of spiritual leadership, would descend to the level of publicly dragging Pastor Jerry Eze, a much younger minister whose rise in the ministry has been meteoric.

Ibiyeomie didn’t mince words, claimed Damina’s star had dimmed, said he is bitter, envious, and consumed with jealousy, particularly toward the rapidly ascending Pastor Eze.

But Pastor Abel Damina, never one to retreat, unleashed his own barrage in the teaser for the upcoming episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, co-hosted by the outspoken actor Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, aka Nedu.

With a biting sarcasm that cut to the bone, Damina reminded Ibiyeomie of his longstanding presence and influence in the ministry, scoffing at the idea that Ibiyeomie could even comment on his actions.

He recalled with a sharp tongue that when he was already leading a formidable ministry, Ibiyeomie was still a novice, attending a C&S church, far from the heights of spiritual leadership he claims today.

Damina didn’t stop there. He escalated the confrontation by exposing what he sees as a growing epidemic in the Christian ministry—staged miracles. With a tone dripping with disdain, he asserted that many of his colleagues have resorted to orchestrating fake miracles to maintain their influence and power.




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