“There are 2 Jesuses in the Bible”

  • Pastor Abel Damina has once again ignited a firestorm across the digital Christian landscape with his controversial teachings on the holy scriptures.
  • Stirring the pot even further, he recently dropped a bombshell, boldly claiming that the Bible speaks of not one, but two Jesuses.
  • Armed with his explanations, Damina sent shockwaves through the online community, sparked a fierce objection as Christians rushed to counter his assertions, unleashing a wave of passionate rebuttals.

Pastor Abel Damina, the firebrand preacher and Founder of Abel Damina Ministries International (ADMI), has once again thrust himself into the center of controversy, leaving the Christian community buzzing with heated debates.

In a viral video that has sparked a digital wildfire, Abel Damina boldly proclaimed his belief that the Bible reveals not one, but two distinct Jesuses—each embodying a different aspect of Christ’s divine journey.

Unpacking this audacious claim, the pastor argued that the Bible delineates between the “Incarnate Jesus” and the “Glorified Jesus.”

According to Damina, the “Incarnate Jesus Christ,” the Son of God who walked the Earth, was both fully divine and fully human. This Jesus, in Damina’s view, performed miraculous deeds and taught divine wisdom, but could not win souls of many during His earthly ministry.

However, the pastor didn’t stop there. He delved deeper, asserting that the “Glorified Jesus Christ” emerged after Jesus’s sacrificial death, resurrection, and ascension to glory.

This glorified Jesus, according to Damina, is the embodiment of triumph, having conquered death and now reigning in heaven.

It is through this exalted state, Damina claims, that Jesus has won countless souls across the globe, with Christians worldwide pledging their allegiance to Him today.


As expected, Damina’s interpretation did not sit well with many believers.

His assertion sent shockwaves through the online Christian community, triggering a torrent of fierce objections.

Christians took to social media en masse, vehemently rejecting his claims and standing firm in their conviction that Jesus is one, indivisible, and eternal.


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