Rita Tinina Suffered From Epilepsy – Police Report Indicates

Police report filed at the Kileleshwa Police Station indicates that NTV journalist Rita Tinina was suffering from epilepsy and had severe fever for 5 days prior to his death.

Rita Tinina died in her Kileleshwa house on Sunday March 17, 2024.

Sadly, it was the journalist’s 8-year-old child who noticed her mother had died and informed the house help, Police say.

Below is the full report filed at the Kileleshwa Police Station which details Rita Tinina’s death.

OB: 20/17/03/2024 time 1430 hrs
It was reported today at about 1430hrs by one Helen Silau Njaga c/o 0710443xxx a Maasai female adult aged 58yrs old the eldest sister to the deceased that today at about 1045hrs she received a phone call from one Robert Nagila c/o 07000008xx who is a colleague to the deceased informing her that the deceased Ntanina Yiapan a maasai female adult aged 46 years and a journalist who had been working with Nation media group was found unconscious on her bed inside her bedroom in her house at Brooklyne apartments house no. B6, which is situated along laikipia Road, kileleshwa Mr.:bj 549594, about 800m east of the police station. On arrival at the scene, the sister called in the assistance of emergency medical services whereby the paramedics confirmed that the body was already lifeless. before, death, the deceased was living with her 8 years old daughter namely Mia Malaika and a house help called Nelius Mwihaki Macharia c/o 07169337xx k/f/a aged 36 years old in the same house (.) she was suffering from epilepsy and had five days old severe fever, her health history which was given by the said sister. The scene was visited by stapol and duty officer Kileleshwa,kilimani Q10, and it was processed by socc standby nairobi. No physical injuries found on the body, which was moved to umash morgue for preservation, awaiting autopsy . Dci kilimani dealing .

Related: 10 Things You Should Know About Rita Tinina

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