Amber Rose had a lot of Ye-related tea to spill during her recent conversation on The Jason Lee Show with its titular host. Moreover, she shared during this interview that she actually didn’t mean what she said about her former partner liking anal stimulation with her fingers. Turns out that was just a way to get at him, but the model does have a particular request for him that could make up for all the hassle. She referenced how she was the Chicago artist’s muse for his critically acclaimed 2010 album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, as they dated during its recording in 2009.
“I should’ve got $20 million for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. But I got nothing,” Amber Rose remarked. “I should’ve gotten money for the wax figure that he used without my consent. Butt naked! But I didn’t get nothing. I didn’t get any money from anything. I should have been compensated in some way for using my likeness, and so many songs and the wax figure.” The wax figure refers to how Ye used one for his “Famous” music video in 2016.
In addition, Amber Rose also claimed that she was the one who suggested a Nicki Minaj feature on MBDTF’s “Monster.” “I don’t think I got credit for that,” she claimed. “I mean, I didn’t do it for credit. And that’s not to take -– Nicki, she’s amazing, when it comes to writing raps. Like, I’ve seen it in person. It’s a sight to see.” Even though the 40-year-old didn’t get much credit for these things, she’s at least been able to forge her own path ahead and overcome this lack of recognition. Sure, she’s dealing with other relationship rumors dogging her at every turn, but it’s a price she’s willing to pay.
Meanwhile, in terms of Rose’s rap relationships, there’s one that stands above all. She and Wiz Khalifa are a great example of how exes can become great friends, co-parents, and supporters of one another. We’ll see if Ye ends up falling in this camp one day.
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