Why Is Art So Boring? (10 Possible Reasons)


Children painting at the table


When it comes to something that is purely human, you need look no further than art.

Humanity’s ability to create art and music is something that sets it apart from other species.

However, when it comes to the subject of art or art class, some might find it boring because of the subject, style, or several other reasons.


Why Is Art So Boring? (10 Possible Reasons)


1. Incomprehensible

Cropped shot of person holding paintbrush and painting on easel


Not all art has a meaning.

Portraits, for example, are usually drawn or painted to depict the subject as accurately as possible.

Landscapes and still lifes also try to capture reality or recreate it.

Then there’s the art that does have meaning.

It may be a splash of two colors on a canvas.

It might be a portrait of a person whose nose is missing.

Whatever it might be, the meaning might not make sense to you.

That can make art boring.

When you don’t understand something, but everyone else seems to get it, that can be an isolating experience.

You might feel so out of your element that you decide that art isn’t quite for you.

As such, you develop the idea that art is boring or even pretentious.

The thing about art is that sometimes there are multiple meanings.

It doesn’t mean that any one person is wrong about what the meaning is.

An artist may have a particular meaning in mind when they paint or draw the image, but it’s down to the observer and what it inspires in them.

That’s part of what makes art exciting.

You’re never sure how a piece is going to speak to you until you’re standing in front of it and examining it.

If reflection and analysis isn’t your sort of thing, then you might find the process boring.

If you’re unable to glean any form of message or feeling from the piece, then you might find it boring.


2. Not Your Type Of Art

Close up of child hands working on pottery wheel at workshop


There are tons of different types of art.

While painting and drawing are some of the most common, they’re only the tip of the iceberg.

You also have digital art, chalk art, photography, sculpture, literature, and even music and cinema.

You might find art boring because it’s not the particular type that you enjoy or that speaks to you.

For example, you may find paintings lifeless or lethargic, but you might find that theater is more of your type of art.

You could love watching ballets and other types of dances.

That sort of art speaks to you.

Looking at paintings may bore you, but watching a ballet performance thrills you instead.

As such, you may not find art boring, but you might find a type of art boring.

The good thing about art is that you can mix so many different types.

Cinema easily mixes literature and theater.

You might even consider adding paint to cinema since cinematography plays with how a film looks and the emotion it creates.

You might not like painting, but you should consider mixing it with the type of art that you do like.

For example, if you consider yourself a poet, then you can always try to paint out your poems.

It might give you a new appreciation for painting.

If you like dancing, then you might want to include body paint to make the story even more impactful.

By taking one type that you find boring and mixing it with another type that you find interesting, you might find that both are exciting.

However, if you choose to just leave them in their separate spheres, there’s a good chance that you’ll continue to think of some art as boring because you don’t like that particular type of art.


3. Style Of Art

Drawing with pencil


While there are lots of types of art, there are lots of styles for each type of art.

Painting, for example, has tons of different styles.

Some of them include:

  • Realism
  • Photorealism
  • Expressionism
  • Impressionism
  • Abstract
  • Surrealism
  • Pop Art

You might find that you enjoy paintings when they use surrealism or abstract style.

However, you might dislike photorealistic paintings.

You might find this particular style boring because you’re essentially looking at a photo.

In reality, photorealism is remarkable since it requires artists to be able to replicate exact details.

The amount of skill and technique required to make them is remarkable.

However, if you don’t like the style, then you might find photorealistic paintings boring.

You might also find them boring because they don’t have a message.

They’re just an image.

Surrealism and abstract paintings, on the other hand, require a bit of thought.

You might be trying to guess the message that the artist is projecting with the art piece.

You may be trying to determine what the particular art piece means to you.

Because it engages your mind a bit more, you may find the experience of looking at surrealistic and abstract paintings more enjoyable than photorealistic paintings.

As such, those styles aren’t boring to you while photorealistic paintings are boring to you.

You might be on the other side of the spectrum, too.

You might prefer precise details or an understanding of what you’re looking at.

You may find surrealism or abstract paintings too pretentious and haughty.

In this case, you might find surreal or abstract paintings boring while you enjoy looking at photorealistic paintings.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you may find art boring because you find the particular style of art boring.


4. Boring Art Galleries

art gallery


When you want to view art, the easiest place to do so is at an art gallery.

The problem with art galleries is that they can be quite boring.

This can then make the appreciation of art quite boring.

Art galleries are boring for a few different reasons.

For one, it’s like visiting a library.

Everyone is quiet.

There may be some people talking, but it’s usually in low, quiet, tones as if they were whispering in church.

It can be difficult to hold a lengthy conversation in a place like that because you might feel as though others are judging you for speaking at all.

Things are a little bit different when the gallery is hosting some sort of event.

That’s when the gallery comes to life.

When you’re not visiting during an event, however, it can feel quite boring since you seem to have to be quiet.

Another reason art galleries are boring is that everyone is mostly closed off.

If there’s a group, then they usually don’t want you to join them.

This can make the experience boring because you don’t have anyone to discuss the art with.

Finally, the layout of art galleries can also sometimes be boring.

Most of the emphasis is on the art, which makes sense, but the environment can sometimes come off as rather dull.

This makes art boring because it sets the type of environment you’re in.

If you’re not having fun in the gallery, then you’re not going to have fun looking at the art.

Instead, you might feel isolated, judged, or even just bored.

By loosening up, art galleries might be able to become more entertaining.

As a result, those who come to see the art might feel more excited about what they’re seeing rather than feeling bored with it.


5. Not Particularly Good At Art

Selective focus of sad kid with dyslexia and child psychologist


Oftentimes, people feel bored about something when they’re not able to participate in it.

This is also true of art.

While some people seem to have an inherent gift for art, others struggle.

If you’re someone who struggles to draw, paint, or perform other types of art, you may decide that art is boring.

In some ways, humans do this to protect themselves.

If they don’t care about something and consider it boring, the fact that they’re struggling with it can’t hurt them emotionally.

No one enjoys having their ego checked.

Humans tend to like thinking that they’re capable of anything.

When they’re reminded that there are some skills that they don’t have, it can be upsetting.

A way to cope with these feelings is to become disinterested in the subject.

If you don’t try, you can’t fail.

If someone tried art and found that they were unable to produce the kind of results that they wanted to produce, they might decide that art is boring.

It helps make them feel a bit safer.

They might not be able to do art, but art is boring, so who cares?

That sort of thinking can occur when someone is unable to deal with feelings of failure or inadequacy.

The great thing about art is that anyone can do it.

It just takes time.

The amount of time it takes for someone to hone their skills differs from person to person.

Some might be able to start producing high-quality art in a few weeks.

Others may take years to produce something of that quality.


6. Takes Time To Learn

Drawing picture of drawing charcoal isolated on white


There’s no question that some people can draw or paint extremely well on the first try.

Other people are only capable of drawing stick figures on their first try.

To get to the same level, they have to practice over and over.

The problem with practicing art is that it can sometimes require a lot of repetition and study.

If you want to learn how to draw photorealistic hands, for example, then you’re going to spend hours looking at real hands.

You probably also need to research anatomy to understand the various muscles working beneath the skin of a hand.

This can help you learn which ligaments and tendons to draw and shade.

Because of the time it takes, some people might find the process of performing art to be boring.

It could take hours of practice to get it right.

Then, when it comes to the actual drawing, it might take hours just to perform.

Not everyone has this sort of patience.

They might find the process frustrating and consider art boring because it takes so long to get good at it.

It isn’t a skill that some people learn quickly.

In the digital age where people are a bit more used to getting things quickly, the fact that they’re not immediately able to draw as well as they’d like means that some might find the process boring.

Because it isn’t fast enough for them, they don’t have an interest in it.

One way that you can prevent feeling bored while practicing art is to change up what you’re doing.

Even if you want to learn to draw photorealistic hands, you can break that up into different parts to keep things interesting.

For example, you might work on knuckles for one session, and then fingernails for the next.

By changing things up, you can stay engaged no matter how long it takes to complete your practice.

Otherwise, you might get burned out and consider art boring.


7. Boring Art Class

High School Art Class With Teacher


Whether you were a student in middle or high school or an adult taking an art class, there’s a chance that your art class may be boring.

It all comes down to the teacher and the school.

If the school gives the art teacher a lot of freedom, you may have a great art class experience.

If the school keeps the art teacher on a tight leash, the class may feel restrictive and boring.

The quality of the teacher also helps to determine whether the class is fun or not.

For example, if the teacher is a real artist and loves sharing art with their students, they’re going to remain engaged with their students.

They might push for creative freedom over performing certain tasks over and over again.

A teacher that isn’t much of an artist or doesn’t particularly care to teach, however, can make the subject quite boring.

To learn how to do certain types of art, the teacher might just focus on having you do the same thing over and over.

For example, you might spend weeks just drawing basic shapes.

While this might help build a solid foundation and introduce fundamentals, the process isn’t enjoyable.

There are other, more exciting, ways that the teacher could present the information.

Instead, they chose a monotonous and boring route that might make art, as a whole, boring to you in the future.

Art class budgets can also determine how much fun art is.

If the class has a high budget, they might be able to introduce various types, styles, and projects for you to dive into.

Because of the variety, you might find art fun.

However, if it’s restricted due to a budget, then you may not have much choice at all for the type or style of art that you want to try.

Since you feel forced, you might find art boring.


8. Not Relevant

Cropped shot of human hand and palette with paints on table


Art is a bit like history in that some people might think that art isn’t relevant to their current life.

Looking at a painting or painting something isn’t going to impact them in any way.

Their interests or life might be in a different direction.

For example, if someone has an interest in biology, then they might a class like art to be pointless.

It doesn’t impact their life in any way because it has nothing to do with their personal or professional interests.

Learning how to paint isn’t going to make them better scientists, for example.

However, art has several different uses that aren’t immediately clear.

The biologist might discover that an art class can help them learn about concepts of color.

They can take that information and apply it to mating behaviors based on the specimens that they’re examining.

Color therapy is another thing that art and art classes can help you learn.

It might help you create a room that makes you feel more energized or sleepy.

Learning how to analyze art can also help you look at the world differently.

You might be able to view things from a different perspective which can help you grow as a human being.

Some might feel that art is boring because it isn’t relevant to their life.

However, art provides so much more than just admiring it as a piece of beauty.


9. Don’t Relate To The Art

Young caucasian woman standing in art gallery front of paintings


Another reason some people find art boring is because they can’t relate to the subject.

For example, if they go to a gallery with a theme about fish, the individual might find the art boring.

They’re not a fish, they don’t like seafood, and they don’t like fishing.

There’s nothing about the subject that relates to them.

Since the art doesn’t speak to them, they might find the experience, as a whole, boring.

One might argue, however, that they’re not looking deeper into the art.

It might not even be about relating to the piece.

It might be about relating the pieces to one another or some problem in the world.

If there’s a piece about water pollution, for example, that’s something that an individual can relate to.


10. Haven’t Found Your Art Yet

Young funny artist working on new painting in his studio


A final reason why people might find art boring is that they haven’t found the particular artist, type, or style that speaks to them yet.

In some cases, they may even find it boring because they’re only getting suggestions from other people.

It’s not unlike reading a book.

If you find reading boring, then it might be because you’re only reading books that others are suggesting.

You need to take the time to explore and try out different genres that sound interesting to you.

When it comes to art, that might mean going to a different type of art gallery.

Instead of going to the gallery with the big names in it, you might want to go to one that’s more underground.

By examining different things on your own, you can come to your own decisions about them and potentially, finally, find art interesting.



Art plays an important role in human culture.

However, some people find art boring.

It may take time, but practicing or searching for the right artist or art style might make art interesting rather than boring.

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