cln’s ‘Into The Night’ taps into the earthy and elemental | News


cln's 'Into The Night' taps into the earthy and elemental | News
Australia’s cln has unveiled his latest single ‘Into The Night’, featuring Eilish Gilligan. 

The track was written, mixed, and mastered by cln himself (a.k.a Callan Alexander), employing pruned percussion and dreamy synths for a spacey alt-pop feel. The ethereal voices of Gilligan and Alexander are propelled by carefully layered instrumentation, creating a sober foundation to explore the doubled-edged pain of breakups.  

cln explains the track’s influences: “Depeche Mode was probably the main musical inspiration for the production on ‘Into The Night’. My dad always used to put their records on when I was younger, and their music has always really stood out to me.” 

The Aussie creator moonlights as a conservation scientist which lends itself to his biologic sound. Researching eco-acoustics, it’s no surprise the music video for ‘Into The Night’ features a sombre Alexander alone amongst a beautiful Australian landscape, seeking solace in nature. 

The single is a prelude to from cln’s sophomore album due for release in late 2022. 

Until then, tune in.

Words: Gem Stokes

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