If You Are Attacking The Institution Of Marriage, You Are Working For The Devil To Discredit What God Formed -Mike-Bamiloye

He said the aim of the devil is to discredit the institution of marriage created by God for humans to enjoy.

Televangelist and filmmaker, Mike Bamiloye has given his opinion on the institution of marriage and domestic violence.

He stated that God did not intend for a man to beat up his wife, according to him, it is the work of the devil.

He said the aim of the devil is to discredit the institution of marriage created by God for humans to enjoy.

This is as he revealed that those attacking the institution and advising young ones not to get married are working for the devil.

He wrote on Facebook, “Marriage is not a trivial matter before God! It has its root in Heaven. It is the first institution established by God and the devil feared a godly marriage.

“That was why the devil struck heavily the moment GOD brought in the union of husband and wife in the Garden of Eden. God is so passionate about it.

“Marriage is designed to produce godly offsprings that will fill the Earth and do the Will of God.

“When God blessed the man and the woman, to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, He didn’t mean that they should bear bad fruits and multiply arrogant and devilish children!”

Bamiloye stated that domestic violence, arrogance and stubbornness witnessed in marriages are not what God planned for the institution.

“The devil hates godly homes and marriages! That is why he has brought out wars against marriages and homes from all fronts.

“God did not intend the man to beat his wife. It is the devil’s Intention to forfeit the original plans of God for marriage. God never planned that women would be arrogant and stubborn to their husbands. It is the devil’s plan to forfeit the intention of God for marriage.

“The percentage of men beating their wives is very minimal, but the devil has used that to paint all men black and irresponsible,” he said.

“If you are attacking the marriage Institution, you are working for the devil to discredit what the Lord formed.

“If you are discouraging the young ones not to marry because of the storms the devil is causing, you are working on the devil’s side against the Lord’s Holy institution,” he concluded.

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