Mixed reactions hit the social media space as controversial actress, Tonto Dikeh drags dancer, Janemena into her rekindled feud with ex-lover, Prince Kpokpogri.”Which kind trouble maker be this” – Reactions as Tonto Dikeh involves Janemena in rekindled feud with Kpokpogri (Video)
Recall that the recent exchange between Kpokpogri and Tonto ensued after she shared a video of him twerking ecstatically while claiming that it depicted her current mood.”Which kind trouble maker be this” – Reactions as Tonto Dikeh involves Janemena in rekindled feud with Kpokpogri (Video)
This subsequently caused a series of drama online as Kpokpogri reacted to it.”Which kind trouble maker be this” – Reactions as Tonto Dikeh involves Janemena in rekindled feud with Kpokpogri (Video)
In a recent development, Tonto Dikeh shared a video of both Janemena and Kpokpogri twerking at the same time alongside a caption that reads:
“Una Dey give me joy for the APP. 🤣🤣🤣💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣..The fan who sent this to me is EVUL cause I’m God you knew I was gonna post it….#THISISCRUISE… Kim mom baby let’s whine it’s a Saturday night 💃🏾💃🏾🥴😩😞🙌🏻”
Watch the video below:
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