This pic of Ice-T might make you want to get in the gym.
Ice-T may be known for his hardcore rap career or his role on Law & Order: SVU, but neither of those take away from the lasting impression he’s left on social media. He’s often either cracking jokes or releasing some big news like the revamping of the Def Jam fighting game, but a couple of days ago he was getting a different type of attention.
On April 4, the actor took to Instagram and Twitter– he wanted everyone to see– to post a picture of him shirtless. Across both platforms, the caption was the same, “I just walked by my mirror and said ‘Hold up, not bad for 64…’ if I say so myself! Lol.” The image shows him in his home wearing nothing but a pair of reading glasses along with boxers and trousers.
Once posted, social media users were left marveling at his rock hard abs. Many dropped their testimonials about being up and age but still trying to remain fit. Others expressed their envy for the rapper who is exceedingly older than them, but in better shape.
The producer for SVU, took the comments to joke around with his coworker saying, “I’m 58. I have a black sheet covering my mirror.”
While it might’ve been unknown to us, being healthy has always been a part of Ice-T’s regimen. In an interview done with Uproxx, Ice told them, “I stay in shape. I have a little mini-gym in my house, so I do my dips and my calisthenics, so I’ve always pretty much been in shape. You can get out of shape very easily as you get older, so I gotta stay on top of it. Since I’m on television all the time, I don’t wanna look at myself and say, ‘Look at yo’ fat ass!’ I’m forced to be vain in that respect.”
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