Adam Silver Stands With Kyrie Irving Over New York’s Bizarre COVID Law

Adam Silver believes New York’s vaccination law is a bit nonsensical.
Kyrie Irving can’t play any games in Brooklyn right now as there is a vaccine mandate that stipulates how you must have your shots if you want to play games at the Barclays Center. Interestingly enough, this only applies to home players. If you are a player from out of town and you are unvaccinated, you can still play games in New York.

It’s a rule that doesn’t make much sense at this point, and even Adam Silver believes the city should change things up. During an interview today, Silver was very vocal about the rule, noting that he doesn’t see why away players can be in the arena, but the home ones can’t. As he explained, the law doesn’t make much sense if you are trying to protect the fans.

“It just doesn’t quite make sense to me that an away player who is unvaccinated can play in Barclays but the home player can’t,” Silver said.

Kyrie is a huge draw for the league, and it benefits the NBA greatly if Kyrie is on the court for as many games as possible. With this in mind, it is easy to see why Silver would take this position. Not to mention, it is the most reasonable position to take, especially given how very few other teams have to deal with this kind of rule.

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