8 Things Every Muslim Should Do More During Ramadan

The Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, has confirmed the sighting of the moon and this signals the beginning of Ramadan fasting period.
In a live broadcast on Friday, He announced that the Ramadan fast will begin on Saturday, 2nd April, 2022.

However, There are items scholars encourage Muslims to avoid in the Holy month of Ramadan.

But there are several additional deeds people are instructed to do more to maximize the blessings of the holy month.

Here are 8 of those things:

  1. Give to Charity
    In essence, the month of Ramadan is a time for introspection. Every day, Muslims are urged to help those less fortunate, but almsgiving is especially encouraged during Ramadan.

  2. Observe Laylatul Qadr
    The Night of Majesty – Laylatul Qadr – is observed towards the end of the Holy month and Muslims are enjoined to double their acts of Ibadah during the period to enjoy its benefits.

  3. Pay a visit to the poor and sick
    When fasting throughout the month of Ramadan, it is also a good idea to visit fellow Muslims who are ill and may not have the ability to fast. It is hoped that this will foster a sense of belonging in the Muslim community.

  4. Read The Quran
    As Muslims are enjoined throughout Ramadan, they should devote extra time to reading the Quran in order to reap the benefits it has to provide. Scholars say that each letter repeated throughout the Holy Month brings many benefits.

  5. Remember Allah (God)
    Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to perform various acts of Ibadah to remember Allah. As a way to strengthen your relationship with Allah, it is highly encouraged to read and recite the Quran.

  6. Observe Compulsory Payers
    Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to perform various acts of Ibadah to remember Allah. As a way to strengthen your relationship with Allah, it is highly encouraged to read and recite the Quran.

  7. Offer Zakat ul Fitr
    Muslims are enjoined offer Zakat ul Fitr ahead of the Eid prayers after Ramadan. This is to enable the needy, the poor and the less-privileged also celebrate the festival with joy.

  8. Spread Love and Peace
    To put it another way: Ramadan is the perfect time to convey love and peace to everyone irrespective of their religion. Scholars advise Muslims to just say, “I am fasting, I am fasting,” even if they are irritated. It’s time to expand these peaceful practices beyond the holy month of Ramadan.

Now, over to you

What other Things are Muslim supposed to Do More During Ramadan – Tell Us

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